1 Day Practitioner Training
Level 1 is completed online
The next online training is on 21st February 2024
In this workshop you will learn EFT (Tapping) from the very beginning, and by the end of the workshop you will have a thorough understanding of how to use this simple and effective technique to help clear any physical or emotional issues you may be holding. The combination of tapping on the end points of the meridians and voicing positive affirmations works to clear the emotional blocks in the body’s energy system.
By the end of the workshop you will have learnt an invaluable self-help tool which you can use on yourself and others for a diverse range of complaints including:
Physical Pain
Unhealthy cravings
Bothersome memories
The critical voice within
On completion of this workshop you will be presented with a certificate from the governing body EFT International, to say you have completed the first half of the EFT practitioner training.
This certificate enables you to continue onto EFT Level Practitioner training.