EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique is a fast and efficient technique which aims to bring the mind and the body back into balance. It is like acupuncture without the needles. We will tap with our fingers on various acupoints on the body to release negative thoughts and feelings.
It is a self help technique that can be taught quickly so that you can use it on yourself, whenever you need it.
Clinical trials have shown a 97% success rate in treating trauma.
EFT is used for a wide range of issues including:
Physical Pain
Sleep problems
Post Traumatic Stress
Panic Attacks
EFT combines stimulation of the ancient Chinese meridian energy system with modern Western talk therapy.
It begins with the assumption that the experience of negative emotions is the conscious awareness of disruptions in our subtle energy systems. EFT combines talking about a specific issue or emotion whilst tapping with the finger tips on key points on the body’s meridians to rebalance the energy.
Shifting energy changes the way our brains process information about particular issues. Tapping while tuned into the issue rewires the brain’s conditioned negative response. It changes both feelings and thinking.
Part of EFT’s appeal is that anyone can learn it and use it for themselves.


Becoming An EFT PractitionerYou can either use EFT as a stand alone therapy or add it to your own therapy. It can be added to most modalities including massage, counselling, hypnotherapy, healing, yoga or teaching. Annie has trained nurses, paramedics, teachers and prison officers, who have been adding the technique to their own profession or looking for a second career. This EFT training is an intensive course that involves four days of face to face training within a group. EFT Level 1 and Level 2 are two days each. EFT Advanced which is also a 2 day training is for people who have already under taken Level 1 and 2 and received their practitioner status. Click Hereto Read More About EFT 1
Who Should Attend these Courses?Whether you want to be an EFT practitioner and build a business working with clients or you'd like to become an EFT Master Trainer, my courses provide a pathway to all levels. My courses are also suitable for you if you are a therapist who would like to build on your toolkit. Therapists in many fields have attended these courses including psychologists, counsellors, life coaches, teachers and anyone interested in helping others. Although these courses train people to the standard required for becoming a therapist, many people attend for personal reasons, wanting to learn a powerful self-help technique for their own self-development and for helping their family and friends.
EFT 1 - An Introduction to EFT OverviewThis is an introductory 2 day course geared for people learning EFT for themselves and for those who intend to go on to use EFT in their therapy practices. These days teaches EFT from scratch. At the end of the 2 days you will have learnt the technique completely and be able to use it on your friends and family. If you are already working as a practitioner you will have mastered the basics enough to be able to integrate it into your practice. Learn More About EFT 1 Here
EFT 2 - Practitioner Status OverviewAt Level 2 you will learn how to clear negative inner beliefs that you may be holding onto. You will also learn how our physical issues have emotional contributors and vice versa. We will go into depth on techniques used to work with Trauma, PTSD, pain, serious illness, phobias and addiction. We will also go into the language used with EFT. We will learn how to surrogate tap and how to do sessions over the telephone and on Zoom. We will discuss and practice EFT so that by the end of the 2 days we are feeling confident to work on others and groups as well as having cleared many of our own triggers and issues. This course is recognised by EFT International. Learn More about EFT 2 Here
EFT 3 - Advanced Practitioner OverviewThis is an intensive two day training course that builds upon the knowledge gained in levels 1 and 2. Level 3 is geared towards helping students gain mastery with EFT. It goes beyond the mechanical approaches taught at levels 1 and 2 and into intuitive EFT. Some of the techniques taught on this course I developed having worked as a healing tutor and coach for 20 years. I bring my knowledge of healing, visualisation, chakras and working with serious illness to the course. Learn More About EFT 3 Here
"Annie has taken me through my EFT practitioner training with so much care and attention. She has been really supportive and helpful all the way through my accreditation process.”
– Kate, Yoga Teacher
I took Annie's EFT Practitioner Training at The College of Psychic Studies where I was training as a healer and have found I have been able to merge the two modalities into my practice with Annies help. I am now working in a cancer centre using the EFT and healing.
– Lisa, Healer
I really enjoyed the training at Annie’s beautiful centre in the Cotswolds, there were like minded people on the training, we have all kept in touch and done our practise sessions together.
– Guillaume, Hypnotherapist