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This transformational 7 Day Course is for those who are interested in learning more about healing, energy and working towards self-undertanding.


The human body thrives when our chakras are functioning well and our energy flows though our system unimpeded. When our chakras are blocked or unbalanced we may not feel ourselves or fall ill frequently. It is key to know how our energy system is working and how to balance it.


Throughout this course you will be given the tools to channel energy safely whilst balancing your own energy system and learning how to protect it.


 The Course Includes: 


- Chakra questionnaires to acknowledge which chakras are out of balance.

- Chakra visualisations and meditations.

- Grounding , attunement and protection.

- Different methods to clear and balance your energy system.

- Learning about crystals and how they can clear , energise, and protect your chakras.

- How to use 'emotional freedom technique' to clear emotions and blocks.

- The basics of pendulum Dowsing to get answers.

- Learning which illnesses relate to which chakra and why.

- Archetypes and the seven rays.

- Lucid dreaming & dream interpretation.

- Channeling healing and psychic protection.

- Auras (the seven levels, sensing and seeing).


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